Visited the Getty today with my mama, it was the first time I've seen it all socked in by fog and rain---such a different place. Instead of a beeline to the changing exhibition halls, I veered left from the main entrance and spent most of my time looking at painted Italian altarpieces. Below are some of my favorites, with brief descriptions.
The Chiarito Tabernacle
Pacino di Bonaguida, 1340s, Italy
Chiarito del Voglia had this work created to commemorate his own spiritual experiences, inserting
drawings of himself with those depicting the trials of Jesus.
The Virgin Mary with Saints Thomas Aquinas and Paul
Bernardo Daddi, c. 1330, Italy
References the stories of images of the Virgin coming to life for her devotees.
The Coronation of the Virgin with Saints Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni
1390s, Italy
Rainbow devils! (Closeup from bottom left.)